Instructor Training Program

Application Fee: $25.00 (nonrefundable)
Registration Fee: $100.00
Instructor Curriculum Fee: $650.00
Tuition: $4350.00
*Please note, tuition, and fees are subject to change in this constant-growing industry.
Instructor Training Program Directives
Aveda Institute Montana's Instructor Training Program, 650 hours, provides an opportunity for each student (cadet) to observe and assist experienced instructors as well as to thoroughly study the principles of teaching. The primary purpose of this program is to train the cadet in the basic teaching skills, educational judgements, proper work habits, and desirable attitudes necessary to pass the Montana State Board Examination and for competency in job entry level employment as an Instructor.
Schedule Start Dates
The start dates for the Instructor Training program at Aveda Institute Montana are the first Tuesday of every month with the exception of a start date falling on a holiday.
The contracted graduation date and maximum time frame date depends on the schedule the student signs up for at enrollment. These dates will be specified on the Student Enrollment Agreement
Part Time: 10 hours per week
Part time: 20 hours per week
Full Time: 40 hours per week
Holiday Closures